With busy lives and even busier minds it is fair to say that most of us do not live like a brochure from a Health Retreat.

From morning to night we race from one thing to another, complacent to what it is that is fuelling our days.

Mindfulness is key when actively nourishing our minds and bodies and it is crucial to our health, state of mind and longevity.

By creating a daily ritual of tea you become ‘Mindful’.  Complacency becomes  an old habit and mindfulness moves in.  

Taking the time to stop throughout the day and consume a cup of tea provides your brain a ‘mini break’ 

Studies have found ...

Micro breaks are essential to performance, gaining energy and creating new ideas.

90% of employees agreed that the quality of the beverage supplied by the employer shows that the company cares about the employees wellbeing.

When referring to work related tea breaks, Danish Reserarches coined the phrase ‘Coping Communities’ that improve work relationships. 

Tea breaks within the work place allow employees to deal with stress and emotional pressure,  improve moral. increase performance and productivity.

If you'd like to introduce some delicious health into your Workplace please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.